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Minutes of Meeting Thursday 8th May 2008


Intended meeting with the council due the previous Wednesday didn’t take place due to some council members being unable to attend.
Tidy Towns are to get a quotation for paint and submit it to the council.


Lights not working were repaired except one out the Ardara road.
The leaning pole out the station road was reported to the ESB.


A letter was read out from the council and it now looks like the Glenties playground will not be completed in time for the Tidy towns competition.
It was reported at the meeting that letters were sent to all the Co. Councillors looking for their assistance and only Terence Slowey and Padraig O’Doherty replied.

Health Centre

Work is continuing and in 3 months time the project should be ready to go to planning.


Contractor was contacted the previous Thursday to say that a cheque was ready for him but it hadn’t been collected.
There are ongoing delays with the ESB and the electrician is ready to go back to work as soon as the ESB is sorted.


There was a meeting with the Co. Council and they looked at the Community Centre and also the Museum
After this the Museum committee reported that the Museum was available.


We are awaiting a report on correspondence with the ethnic groups.
It was brought to the attention of the Garda present that some vandalism had taken place the previous Saturday night, flower pots overturned etc and this was to be brought to the attention of the units on patrol.

Harvest Fair (Me Gurks)

It is still hoped that the amusements will be erected in front of the new gym at the comprehensive.
There was a question regarding the safety etc of Me Gurks but it was reported at the meeting that their equipment is checked out on a regular basis and their record down the years is very good.
Regarding the Harvest Fair festival everything is on track at the moment with bigger and better plans than last year.


Engineers have been in town checking out lines etc so there is some progress.

Water Supply

Some problems reported with the quality of the water in Ard Connel. Water is reported as being dirty sometimes.


Problem with broken footpaths in Ard Conne! which has been reported to the Co. Council but nothing has been done.

Town Renewal Scheme

This matter was discussed but no decisions taken


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