Glenties Notes on January 4th 2002
Congratulations to all those who got engaged over the Christmas period. Carolyn Mc Loone, Straboy, Glenties got engaged to Kieran Gallagher, Narin, Edwina Bonner, Ardconnell. Glenties got engaged to Martin Bennett, Ardara, Eddie Gallagher, Ard Mc Gill, Glenties got engaged to Stephanie O’Connell, Doohary, John Brown, Dr. Mc Closkey Crescent, Glenties got engaged to Patricia Mc Cabe, Binbane and Philomena Gallagher, The Mines, Glenties got engaged to Austin Brady from Naas, Co. Kildare.
Congratulations to Mary and Hughie Gallagher, Curraghmone, Ballybofey, who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday last 29th December. Mary, nee Boyle is from Glen Road Glenties.
Congratulations to Garda Angeline Ashworth, daughter of Noel and Bridie Conefry, Mill Road, Glenties who was promoted Sergeant to Cabinteely, Dublin.
Congratulations also to Chief Supt. Catherine Clancy, daughter of Kitty (nee Mc Devitt, Glenties) and the late Furzie Clancy, who has been appointed to take over at the head of Donegal Division. Early last year when she was promoted to the rank of Chief Supt. she became the first female in the history of the state to achieve the position. The appointment to Donegal will be her first time in charge of a division.
Sincere sympathy is extended to Mary Boyle, Narin Road, Glenties on the death of her husband, Charlie, which took place on Thursday 27th December and to all the family.
Sincere sympathy is extended to Conal Mc Nelis, Ard Patrick, Glenties on the death of his father, Willie Mc Nelis, Ardara, which took place on Saturday 29th December 2001.
The death took place in Letterkenny Hospital on Wednesday 26th December 2001 of Joe Breslin, Ard Patrick, Glenties. His remains came to his home later that day and were brought to St. Connell’s Church, Glenties on Friday morning. Fr. Nigel Ó Gallachóir celebrated Requiem Mass. Readings were by Joe’s niece and nephew, Mary Mc Gettigan and James Breslin. Music and singing was by Sr. Immaculata on the organ, Siobhan Mc Elhinney on tin whistle, Thomas Donahue on guitar and Amanda Mc Guigan. Burial took place in the New Cemetery. Joe is survived by his daughter, Rita, Ard Patrick, Glenties, sons, Joseph and Kenneth, England, brothers, Ally, Ardconnell, Francie, Kilraine, Glenties, sisters, Nellie and Maggie, England, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends to whom sincere sympathy is extended. His wife Mary predeceased him nineteen years ago, his son Jamsie four years ago on the 10th January and his sister Mary Noone died in England on the 26th March last year. His brothers, James, Packie, Jack, Tommy, Den, and Henry also predeceased him.