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Glenties Notes 22nd October 2008

The official opening of Edeninfagh National School extension and refurbishment by Minister Eamon Ó Cuiv T.D. will take place on Friday 24th October at 3.00 p.m. An open invitation is extended to the community of Glenties and surrounding areas.

The following is the programme for the 70th Anniversary Celebration of Edeninfagh N. S. The official opening of the 70th celebrations takes place in Edeninfagh Hall at 8.00 p.m. on Friday 24th October. Saturday 25th is Games Day for the children, starting at 10.00 a.m. and there is an Irish language workshop in the school. At 12 noon there will be a Treasure Hunt, starting at the hall. At 5.00 p.m. Children’s Drama & Face Painting and a Ceili Mór will be held at 9.00 p.m. On Sunday 26th Mass will be celebrated in the Church at 5.00 p.m. followed by a tree planting ceremony at the school. The celebrations end with a Dinner Dance in the Highlands Hotel at 7.30 p.m. Tickets for the Dinner Dance are available in the Highlands Hotel, The Post Office and the Glen Tavern. We encourage everyone, including Past Pupils, to come along and enjoy a Fun-Packed Weekend of events.

A Cake Sale will be held in the Community Centre, Glenties on Saturday 25th October after 7.30 p.m. Mass and on Sunday 26th October after 11.00 a.m. Mass.

Winners at last Tuesday’s Bingo in the Community Centre, Glenties were – Mary Ellen Bonner – Jackpot – E400, Sarah Brown, Dungloe – E100 + E50, Breege Kennedy, Breege Brennan, Patricia Mc Hugh, Portnoo, Anna Cannon, Kilcar, John Boyle, Fintown, James Byrne, Maas, Nellie Maguire, Frosses E100 each, Mrs. Furey, Mary Gillespie, Killybegs, Margaret Murray, Burtonport, Mary Boyle, Burtonport, B. Martin, Glenties, Rosaleen Gallagher, Ardara, Moya Gallagher, Glenties – E50 each, Vincent Ward, Fintown – E35, B. Fletcher, Ard Patrick, Anna Mc Dyer, Main St., Martin Mc Taggart and John Doherty, Ard Mc Gill – E25 each.

Sincere sympathy is extended to his wife, Sadie, family, relatives and friends of John Herrighty, Straboy, Glenties, who died in Letterkenny Hospital on Wednesday 15th October.

Sincere sympathy is extended to her husband, Josie, sisters, brother, relatives and friends of Mary Mc Gill, Station Road, Glenties who died in the Donegal Hospice, Letterkenny on Thursday 16th October.

Sincere sympathy is extended to Mary Mackessy, Ard Mc Gill, Glenties on the death of her husband Tim Mackessy which took place in London on Thursday 16th October2008. Sincere sympathy also to his daughter, Caroline, grandchildren, Niall and Shauna, son-in-law, Paddy Doherty, other relatives and friends.

Art Acrylic Classes are commencing immediately in the Community Centre, Glenties. If interested contact 086-3961533.

A Safepass course is being held in the Glenties Community Centre on Tuesday 4th November. For more information and registering contact 086- 6033927.

The Glenties GAA Club Calendar is nearly completed and will be sent for printing in the next week. To book a date on the calendar contact Paddy Boyle at 0551486 or Muriel at 9551823.

A ‘Big Thank You’ to everyone who took part in, and contributed to, the recent walk from the Glen Tavern through the Croaghs. The amount raised was €11,100, which was handed over to the Kidney Dialysis Unit, Letterkenny Hospital. 

The amount raised at the collection taken up recently for The Friends of Letterkenny General Hospital in Edeninfagh amounted to E 128.00. The amount raised in Glenties was E 715.00. Many thanks to all those who supported this very worthy cause.

The annual Novena of Masses for the dead in St. Connell’s Church, Glenties and in The Church of the Holy Family, Edeninfagh is from Sunday 2nd November until Monday 10th November.

Glenties Theatre Workshop are presenting ‘Hocus Pocus’, a children’s musical in the Community Centre in Glenties on Thursday 30th October at 8.00 p.m. and on Saturday 1st November at 3.30 p.m.. Admission is E 8.00 for adults and E 4.00 for children. Doors will open on Thursday at 7.30 p.m. and on Saturday at 3.00 p.m. This is a performance worth seeing!

Best wishes to Michael Fitzgerald and Hugh Breslin who are running in the Dublin City Marathon on Monday next 27th October. Michael is running in aid of Donegal Hospice and Hugh is running in aid of the local Playschool.


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