Glenties Notes 16th November 2017
Glenties Community Centre
Bingo in Glenties Community Centre every Tuesday night at 9pm. Jackpot €9000 on 45 numbers or less if not won €300 will be paid out. €100 a house, €50 a line.
Snooker Room open from 4pm to 10pm.
Any group or individual wishing to book the Community Centre for the Autumn season, please contact 087 2679321 or call to the Community Centre Office between 10am – 2pm Monday – Friday.
Irish Dancing with Emily – Wednesday @ 3.30pm – 7.15pm
Tai Chi Wednesdays from 8.00pm – 9.30pm
Glenties Community Centre Amalgamated Ltd CE Scheme has a vacancy for Horticultural workers, Maintenance workers, Caretaker, C.E criteria applies. C.E workers can avail of training to up skill whilst on CE scheme.To apply for the above please e-mail or ring 0879695053 for further information.
Bingo Winners
€25 Winners: Mary Kennedy, Francis Quinn, Packie Gallagher, Baby Phildy
€40 Winner: Sheila Delaney
€50 Winners: Caroline McKeown, Nan Doherty, Ann Byrne, Teresa Bonner, Grace O’Donnell, Bernie Martin, Mary Ita Boyle, Ann Fury, Kate Mc Nulty.
€100: Noel McLaughlin, Liz Buckley, Michelle McGeehan, Mary Doherty, Mary Ita Boyle, Winnie Long, Helen Mc Dyre, Mary Ita Boyle, Bid Fletcher, Mary Kennedy.
€150 Winners: Ann McKeown, Breid Gallagher.
St Connell’s Museum
The Trustees and Workers in the Museum would like to thank everyone who supported the very successful Halloween Scary Cells. A special thanks to the Transition Year Students in Glenties Comprehensive School and their teacher Mr Moore for their assistance and co-operation over the three nights and for their help setting up in the lead up to the event which led to its success.
Paul Dawson’s MS Journey – An update from Julie Dawson
We have had the best news ever! Paul’s bone marrow is starting to produce new stem cells. The treatment has worked! Paul is our of immediate danger and as you are reading this we will be making our way back home to Glenties to begin the long road to recovery.
This has been an incredible journey, the hardest thing Paul and I have ever done and hopefully ever will do again. But today, we can start to look forward to a future instead of worrying what it might hold. Paul’s Neurologist didn’t want Paul to have this treatment as it was too high a risk for his level of MS, i9n fact he told us to prepare for Paul to come home in a 6X4 box!! We had to convince the Doctors in India to allow Paul to have the treatment, as again he was high risk but Paul had decided that no matter how high the risk factor, it was one he was willing to take instead of being scared what tomorrow may bring. Now we know that we have about another ten years without having those worries. Yes it is a fact that Paul will not walk again and yes Paul’s MS will not improve but it will STOP IT for ten years and that we can’t even put into words.
People think MS is about legs, Paul can’t walk, he’s in a wheelchair, but it’s about much more than that. The things no one could imagine, the things that go on behind closed doors. MS has robbed us of many many things – the ability for Paul to kick a ball around with our children when they were young, to go for a walk on the beach with them. to walk upstairs in our home and tuck them in at night, to dance! We are determined that it won’t take any more things away from us. We now have a future filled with hope instead of dread and we couldn’t have done it without you guys, you made this possible for us.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
The first 3 months of Paul’s recovery will be in isolation at home seeing only close family, in 3-6 months Paul will be able to see friends, at 6-9 months he will be able to go out into small groups and finally at 9-12 months Paul will be allowed into crowded areas! So in 12 months time we have a lot of celebrating to do. Paul will have reached 50 during his isolation period and I will celebrate my 50th in October 2018 – it will also be the 1st anniversary of Paul’s treatment and the first time Paul will be able to be around everyone, so I know it’s a long way off but we will be holding a massive party and would love it if every one of you would join us in celebrating everything with us.
Glenties Christmas Market
The place to be on Sunday 19th November! Our Christmas Market takes place in The Highlands Hotel with up to 30 stands. Get your Christmas shopping off to a great start all under one roof. Doors open at 11am.
St Connell’s Church
Your help would be appreciated in helping us to compile the 2018 list for Sunday Collection Envelopes. Any new parishioner who would like a box of envelopes, or any parishioner who has changed address since this time last year, should leave their name and address in the Sacristy after any of the Masses, or telephone the Parochial House on 074 9551117. We would also ask that those that normally distribute the envelopes would contact either Fr Gerard after Mass or the Parochial House to confirm that they are able to do so again this year or if anyone else wishes to help with this task, please feel free to do so. Thank you.
As and from 1st January, it would be appreciated if all Church Gate collections are taken up at the entrance gates alone rather than outside the door of the Church as is presently the practice. This is in keeping with the conditions of the permits granted by An Garda Siochana and of the practice pertaining to other Church Gate collections nationwide. This excludes the St Vincent de Paul Society as it is a Church affiliate. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Annual Ecumenical Carol Service
Save the Date! This year St Connell’s Church, Glenties are hosting the Annual Ecumenical Carol Service. The service takes place on 10th December at 6pm. Everyone welcome!
Meenagowan National School Fundraiser
A Christmas Fair and Fashion Show will be held in The Limelight, Glenties on Sunday 10th December in aid of Meenagowan NS, Lettermacaward. Come along and meet Santa, enjoy Craft Activities, Face Painting and a Fashion Show. Christmas Cakes will be available for purchase together with lots of stalls! Anyone interested in taking part in the Christmas Market – Businesses or Individuals – please contact the school on 074 95444906 or email: Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Glenties Parish Social
The Annual Gelnties Parish Social will take place on Sunday 3rd December in the Highland’s Hotel beginning with Mass at 3p.m. All our Senior Citizens are invited to attend. Please bring this notice to the attention of any senior citizens in your area. We are also appealing to the public for donations towards the running costs of this very important celebration.
Edeninfagh C.E Scheme
The edeninfagh C.E. Scheme has two positions vacant for a General Operative to work on the Church grounds and graveyards in Glenties. If you are interested and are eligible for a scheme, please contact 074-9557981, 087-7736247 or email:
Ceili Night
There will be a Ceili Night on 19th November, 8pm to 11 pm in Rosses SDP Building, Dungloe.
Strive Clinic
Strive Clinic has launched in Killybegs. Located beside Supervalu on the Donegal Road. Specialisy Rehabilitation Services – Physiotherapy, Lymphoedema Therapy, Psychotherapy. More services coming soon. Contact 074 9713100 or email:
Bruckless Community Centre
Ceili, sets, jiving and old time dancing in the Bruckless Community Centre on Wednesday 22nd November. Music by Ceili Time. Dancing 8pm to 11pm. Supper served. Admission €10. All proceeds going to the Dependents of Rachel Cassidy Battles and Mairead Mundy Fund.
Niall Mor Community & Enterprise Centre
Kids Christmas Disco will be held at the Niall Mor Community & Enterprise Centre on Sunday 3rd December from 4pm to 6pm with plenty of dancing, fun, surprises and maybe a special guest!
Weight Watchers: every Monday, first class 4.45 – 5.45pm and second class 6-7pm.
Slimming World: every Tuesday from 6-7pm.
Citizens Advice/Information: are located in the Centre every Monday at the new time of 2-4pm.
Letterkenny Womens Centre: They offer a counselling service at the Niall Mor Community & Enterprise Centre. For further enquiries: contact Brid on 074 9124985.
Fighting Blindness
RNIB: Are you living with sight loss and worried about the future? The Need to Talk project offers free counselling and confidence building for people of all ages affected by sight loss. Contact 01-6746496 or email:
The Power of Positive Thinking for Women
A 4 week course entitled ‘The Power of Positive Thinking for Women’ will commence in the Community Centre, Glenties on Thursday 23rd November. To book, please contact Emily on 087 9031389